Saturday, July 12, 2008

Shine On

And I am back, again. We have been just getting nailed with nasty storms this week. Hail, straight line 60 MPH winds, and sheets of rain. It is supposed to be over for a while so that we can get out and enjoy our summer a little more. Jessica and I have spent a few weekends up at the cabin in Brainerd, and the last weekend we went it was just wonderful weather, which makes a huge difference. In entertainment notes, I decided to grab the new Jet album called "Shine On", just to try something different. I am really impressed with this band! Think, The Beatles meets AC/DC with no over-production. I recommend it if you are needing some new rock for your collection. There is a show coming up that I am recruiting people to go to with me down by the U of M. If you are a long time reader, you will know the name Scott H Biram. He will be here next Saturday so if you are able, come on! My job is good, my wife is great, and life just keeps getting better. Since moving on from my previous job, Jessica has commented a few times that I am much easier to be married to, ha. I actually sleep at night now and find time to work out. So, that's the update. Wishing you all good health.


Anonymous said...

Work out, you? Look chubs, lifting the dinner plate to your mouthh is not working out I do not care who told you that was, they LIED.

joe said...