Thursday, October 02, 2008


I think Joe Biden missed his calling. I think he should have sold used cars. Think about this for a second. Slicked back hair, fake white teeth, sideways smile...can't you just imagine him asking you , "what do I have to do to get you into this car today?" He is not a part of the solution, he is part of the problem and has been for several decades in Washington. I am not saying that John McCain has not been in Washington for many decades and maybe he has been part of the same problem. But, McCain is a decorated veteran of war and is at least mildly honest. Obama has no experience and he is running for the highest office in the World's greatest super power and he has no idea what he is doing. So, if I have to choose a candidate, I will take a President who has a) wartime experience and b) real experience in Washington. Barack Obama is a great public speaker, period. He sucks, his church sucks, his wife sucks, and his proposed health insurance sucks. I will take a vice president with little experience over a president with little experience. Less government, not more government. Less Obama, more McCain. More Palin, less (MUCH LESS) Biden. I know this is a high overview and I am not digging into the individual issues, but I don't have time for that. I will just be happy when this is over. God Bless America.