For some reason, and it is rare, but if my brother picks up a nasty sickness I do too. I actually feel like the guy getting a wooden mallet in this picture. The flu has been crippling me for the past few days but I have the best wife in the whole world who takes care of me. I get a little whiny when I am sick. We all made it through the snow storm, although as you may have read in the previous post, some had it worse than others. We watched the nieces last weekend, had a great time. I want to get all of your opinions on the following poll: What band/singer/artist would you consider your top 5 right now? Here is mine:
Chris Knight
Gov't Mule
Hank 3
Social Distortion
Scott H Biram
So this doesn't answer your question at all BUT
It's 58 and sunny here today! and it was the same Saturday & Sunday too! The weather's been awesome. A little skiing in 40 degrees on Saturday - nice. Ok - so I am rubbing it in. You guys should come visit. Lori is - one week from tomorrow. Hope the weather holds until then because even though it's this nice now, doesn't mean it will stick around for long.
And as for that nasty flu - it's been going around here bad. So far Craig & I have avoided it. Hope to stay that way. Hope you are feeling better now.
I am so sorry to hear that you are so sick. I really am. (I wouldn't even think of using that whole sympathy in the dictionary line right now.)
And here's my current top five:
Bloc Party
The Killers
Arcade Fire
Albert Hammond, Jr./The Strokes
Taking Back Sunday (don't laugh)
You are fine.
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