A man walks into a bar, orders 12 shots of whiskey and begins to slam them. The bartender looks at him and asks "you are drinking awfully fast, is something wrong?" The man says "Well, if you had what I have you would be drinking like this too." Bartender asks "what do you have?" The man says " $.75 cents." Cub, you love that joke, stop lying. Jessica and I have planned a trip to Chicago for the first weekend in May. We will be there visiting my good friend Bill and his new wife Melissa. We are heading to a Cubs game while out there. Our view should be a lot like this picture. Jessica and I are also working on putting a deck on our house. It is a large project that we have been constantly discussing, but hope to come to a decision on design in the next week or so. We are very excited to have a deck and will plan a deck break in party when it is complete. Have a great week.
Really into repeating the same jokes over and over again, aren't we? STOP TELLING THAT JOKE!
Some people may have not heard that one and it is the only one I rememeber!
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