Hi everyone. Cub, myself, and our two buddies made it to Brainerd for some fishing last Friday and there was a ton of fun ahead. We caught our limit of Sunfish the evening before walleye opener and went in for a few beers. We then woke up at 0500 on Opener morning and a few Walleye were caught. THEN, we spent the day lounging and fishing for sunfish again. It was just really nice to get out of town with the guys for a few days. So, this coming weekend the fun continues. Jessica, Ed, Carrie, Tom (good friend), a few others and myself are going to a small venue to see a band called Blackhawk on Friday. This has been an annual occasion since Cub and I got out of the military (Cub will not be there due to Amber's impregnated condition). They are a great southern-rock/country band. THEN, on Saturday Jessica and I are going to see Hank Williams Jr. and Lynyrd Skynyrd at the Target center and staying at an amazing hotel in Minneapolis. I am really excited for both shows. So, let the party continue. I will write full reviews next week.
Good for you...you best be at my house Saturday to help Ed and I build this playset.
Nice new design, dude - looks sharp. Also, if I recall correctly, this isn't the first time Cub has missed a show due to impregnation. Enjoooooooyyyy.
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