Wow, has the climate changed around here form my last post. It is going to be almost 70 and sunny here in the great white north today. I realize that all I have been posting about lately is the damn weather, and I am committing to stop now. Last weekend was relatively calm. Jessica and I drove 3 hours for a 40 minute wedding ceremony. The groom works for me and they actually sang their vows. Interesting. My siblings and their families came up to our house on Sunday. We had a good time and I am working on getting better at being around screaming children. They usually push my panic button. My cousin Blake is in town from the U.S. Air Force (my beloved Air Corp). He is stationed in Italy and hopefully will spend some time out in the SW Minneapolis Suburbs. Susan, Ed's sister and our Aunt, is flying into town soon too. So, that is the news from here. We are hoping to get out and do some fishing and golfing shortly. Go Twins and Wild.
Keep that sunny 70's weather comin'. See ya'all Saturday! Can't wait!
(p.s. I'm bringing back a long overdue surprise for you & Jessica - do you believe that?)
Did you say 'golf'???
I sure did!
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