I finally found something to write about that I am a bit upset about. So, Anna Nicole Smith dies. She is the headline all over the world for it. She was a f#$%ing drug addict, a horrible mother, a horrible wife, and had a horrible past. So, she dies! What else was going to happen?!?! A family member called me yesterday to "break the news" to me. My response..."SO! Did you know the 2 more American Troops died today too, they aren't all over the news!" The people to the left and right of this post are heroes, they die defending this country, right or wrong. American Media, stop glamorizing drug addicts with pretty smiles and start telling the stories of the soldiers,airmen, and sea men who are dying for this country.
I was at the Chaska VFW last night, and I overheard someone say that this whole Anna Nicole event was instigated by Cheney so that America's thoughts would be diverted from the war for a few days. The gentleman that uttered these words may have had a few too many drinky drinks...
While I agree that this Anna Nicole story has been blown a bit out of proportion, I still can't help feeling bad for her kid. The kid is not even a year old, and the baby will never really know its mom. Kinda sad. It's just another reality TV disaster...nothing good ever comes from those shows, and yet, they continue to churn them out. But what are simple folks like you and I gonna do about it? There's not a whole lot we can do, I guess.
On another note, I saw Coach Sutherland working at a gas station off of 41 tonight. An f'ing gas station.
i think the problem may be that yer getting your news from the wrong source. stay away from E!
try this fer real news
The Coach!? At a GAS STATION! This man made an enormous dent in my 4 great high school years and now he works at a gas station! My lord. I hear he is sober again...
Well stated post Jesse! You are so right.
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