Wednesday, February 28, 2007
Snow Storm...AGAIN?
Once again, we are going to digging ourselves out of yet another snowstorm over the next few days. I am seeing reports of 10 to 20 inches coming down. That does not bode well for my 75 mile commute to work or installing new customers at work. Oh well, the inconveniences of living in Minnesota. We just completed an enormous expasion in our services today. We have spent the past 9 months working on this project and it has finally been completed. We are going to become a case study for the manufacturer of our equipment because we are the only company in the world who have taxed the equipment like we are doing now. So far, it has been working great but please keep your fingers crossed for me. Jessica and I will spend our Friday night watching the nieces, which I am looking forward to. Otherwise, we are both open.
Friday, February 23, 2007
We're Tracking Snow

It is finally happening! The snow is about to pound us up here in Minnesota, and it is NOT screwing around this time. We are talking 10 to 17 inches over the next 2 days. I have my snow blower running smooth and will try to stay ahead of it. Jessica will be out helping me clear the snow. We went to the grocery store tonight and it was jammed with suburbanites loading up on groceries to keep their kids entertained. To those of us without kids, it was amazing to see what parents would buy their kids. A LOT of preservative laced, sugar overloaded horrible junk food just to keep the little kids happy. Unbelievable really. Anyway, we will be here all weekend so feel free to call and say Hi. Or AT LEAST comment on this! Have a great weekend.
Tuesday, February 20, 2007
I hope that all of you are doing great. I just thought I would update you all on the events upcoming and some that have passed. Last weekend we had our good friend Bill in town from Chicago. He is the type who does everything with intensity. Triathalons and drinking to name a few. Needless to say we had a great time on Friday night, then Saturday slowed it down a bunch but went to the bar for laughs. A bunch of buddies were there and I can't remember laughing that hard. Jessica and I went out ice fishing on Sunday and heard crickets for a few hours, I mean not even a bite. So, that was our weekend. My brother and I are turning 20 on Wednesday (maybe it is 31, I don't remember) so that will be just great. This coming weekend should be fairly quiet which will be a nice change of pace. Work has been nuts. We are about to begin a new coverage area and build for our company that we have been working on for 10 months. I am not sure if you have noticed, but the media is STILL talking about Anna Nicole Smith. Does anyone still care about this? Did anyone care ever?
Wednesday, February 14, 2007
Ok, new rule. Like my good friend Joe, no one seems to comment when they stop by. I would LOVE it if anyone who stops by would leave a NAME and a comment. Just so that I know I am not wasting time. Thanks so much.
Monday, February 12, 2007
Grammys and General

Happy Monday (severe sarcasm). Jessica and I decided to try and watch the Grammy Awards last night, figured it would invoke some emotions (probably anger). Anyway, The Police reunited for the opening which was very good. I also enjoyed the Chili Peppers. From there on, I was right, anger. I simply have gone so far away from MAINSTREAM pop culture that to watch it all unfold in front of me on an awards show is like watching a train wreck. I mean, Mary J Blige...DON'T CARE. Dixie Chicks, absolutely horrendous. Obviously, Jessica is not adding to this blog as her opinion differs on that. John Mayer was the only other artist that I enjoyed. Oh well, confirmation of my age and patience. Lots of activities coming up in the next week. Don't forget that Wednesday is Valentines Day. Buy your sweetie something nice, like a new iron. KIDDING! Have a great week everyone
Friday, February 09, 2007

I finally found something to write about that I am a bit upset about. So, Anna Nicole Smith dies. She is the headline all over the world for it. She was a f#$%ing drug addict, a horrible mother, a horrible wife, and had a horrible past. So, she dies! What else was going to happen?!?! A family member called me yesterday to "break the news" to me. My response..."SO! Did you know the 2 more American Troops died today too, they aren't all over the news!" The people to the left and right of this post are heroes, they die defending this country, right or wrong. American Media, stop glamorizing drug addicts with pretty smiles and start telling the stories of the soldiers,airmen, and sea men who are dying for this country.
Tuesday, February 06, 2007
News and Birthdays
We made it back from our annual ice fishing adventure with a couple of bags of jumbo perch fillets. We caught a lot of fish and had a great time. We actually ended up at the same resort as Vikings Fullback/Tight End Jim Kleinsasser. That should explain how much we really were roughing it. A great time was had all around. We have a bunch of birthdays coming up in the next few weeks, most importantly, Jessica's is on Wednesday the 7th. We will celebrate at home on Wednesday and possibly be going out with the family on Friday to a nice place. My buddy Joe entered himself into a contest to make an album and I hope to contribute to that this weekend. I have a few songs that I have been messing with on guitar for a long time and hope they will make it on the album. That is the update. Have a great week everyone.
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