Christmas is getting ever so close, like anyone is ready. Well, maybe my Mother, but that is it. Jessica and I had a very crazy week again. Jessica worked late every night because she is dedicated as hell. I dealt with normal small business stress, which sucks for a short amount of time but usually comes together in the end. My company has a very strong group of people pulling the load and it will pay off. So, what's up for this weekend? We have revived an old family tradition of going to see the Nutcracker Ballet with the entire immediate family. Now that my siblings have children everyone felt it would be a good idea to revive the tradition. We are going to the matinee at 2:00 p.m. then out for dinner. Sunday is the first of 5 Christmas gatherings with the Jorgenson clan. That is always fun. We play games and laugh a lot. Now, I have asked my readers what they are doing for Christmas and NO ONE answers me. ANSWER UP! Have a good weekend.
I'll be glued to the Internet, waiting for new posts to your blog.
With the exception of your in-law family Christmas and mine, I will be doing the same things as you. Got a new air compressor last night too....good for me.
New discussion topic: What's better? A new air compressor, or Guitar Hero 2? I wonderrrrrrrr..........
I will post on that very thing...I have my opinion
That totally depends...but I see where you are going with it.
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