I don't know about any of you, but I am overwhelmingly tired of the political ads running all over the television and radio. It would seem as though politics has lost sight of the true issues and have focused in on berating opponents. The ads take aim at the other party by digging into past personal issues, quotes that were said 10 years ago that are long expired, and almost child-like name calling. All of this in hopes to sway the "middle-of-the-road" voters who are not affiliated with a party. I will vote, it is my duty. However, these ads need to go away. On a side note, we watched "Meet The Press" last weekend. They are featuring Senate Candidates from different states. I was excited to see Mark Kennedy and Amy Klobuchar spar on issues. I was seriously dissapointed however. I am a republican, and Mark Kennedy did a poor job of defending himself, explaining himself, and debating topics. Klobuchar was much better in this arena. Granted, Kennedy is an accountant and Klobuchar is a trial attorney. I just hoped he would have showed a little better verbal sparring skills. Oh well, I know where he stands on issues. Any thoughts?
I hate this time of year. I have to mow around all the damn campaign signs that get stuck in people's yards. I'm glad someone else is as frustrated as I am.
I do like the radio commercial that sounds like it is one of those Budweiser commercials...do these people actually think we all believe and listen to all of them? How silly...
Sick of the vitriol.
I agree with your assessment of Mark Kennedy. I heard him on Jason Lewis and he was well spoken, but not a trial attorney. I still like his ideas.
People, vote smart. It's important. Also, the economy is NOT shrinking......
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