Well, while my buddies are out in Vegas at a bachelor party, I will be spending the weekend at work. If you are interested in seeing what my company does feel free to click on the title above and you wil go to our web site. We just released 17,000 direct mailers and the response has been good. I will be spending most of Saturday taking care of that. Jessica also has to work this weekend! We still have the Vikings to look forward to. The team will go stomp the Buffalo Bills on Sunday. Since my brother doesn't think this is exciting, I am going to ask you a question that I am requiring a response to. What are you doing this weekend everyone?
It was dry and boring...what do you want from me...
I get to work...but Sunday I am watching the game.
Well...apparently that response was boring according to my brother...who is so gay by the way...
Hmmmm...I am currently sitting at work...having a beer...that's right...beer. I am listening to the Twins game...I am so excited to be able to come back again tomorrow at 0800 after working until 2300 tonight I can't hardly sit still...oh...and my wife hates me right now because of this work thing. That is all for now...carry on...
I am not gay, and that is better
I will be paying Texass holdem. You as I like to say donating my money to th epoker table. Thats my excitment here in the great shit hole town of Sterling
Las Vegas got me all drunk and made me her bitch this weekend. Funnily enough, I actually kind of enjoyed the process of slowly getting bent over by Lady Luck.
Things are looking good at Citescape! You've done a great job there! I've got to send you a dvd of the commercial campaign we did for Edge Wireless...I'll see if I can get someone to burn one for me.
I had a great weekend. Tested out one of the new wine bars in town Friday night. Good wine! Good food! AND you may not believe this but I also spent a bunch of time in my sewing room working on Jessica & yours wedding present! I figure I'm not late as long as I get it done faster than I got your mom's & Ed's done (that was 15 years!) Trust me - this one will be MUCH sooner than that!
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