Hi, my name is Jesse and this is my blog. I am alive and am sorry for not writing for so long. Ok, enough cheesy apologies. The picture you see here is from our trip to Clearwater Beach Florida. This is a typical sunset with the"pirate ship" setting sail. Jess and I spent three days down there alone and then Cub and Amber came down. We laid on the beach and by the pool, read books, had drinks and just generally relaxed. It was just what we all needed after the longest winter in history. We all came back refreshed and ready to start out summer. BREAKING NEWS...my deck is finally complete. We bought some patio furniture and have some landscaping to do and then we will have a party to celebrate (Corey, the reason for the long delay, is not invited). As Corey says, my deck is timeless. Work is great, I love my job. Jess has been at her new job (about 1 mile from home) and she is enjoying that as well. Coming up we have my Grandfather's 80th birthday party, my niece Savannah's 1st birthday, a family reunion and on and on. Summer is simply wonderful. We are hoping to make it to NYC for Carly's wedding, but we will see about that. BREAKING NEWS...I caught 2 walleye last weekend at he cabin. It is very true STEVE. They do exist. Anyway, I will try to not be away so much and try to keep this updated more often. Hi to all of my family in West Virginia. Be safe and God Bless.